Saturday, May 26, 2012

On My Way To Namaste..

I have been an avid yogi since age ten. The feeling of holding that pose just ten seconds longer than the day before, the feeling of your mind and body so connected with each other that nothing else matters, the feeling of complete peace. When I am on my teal and baby blue mat, I am in my own world, a world which has only one inhabitant-me. I wrote a column for my University's paper about the different components of yoga: Yogalosophy.

Last semester I was unbelievably busy, being president of a club and being stuck in some hard classes and other side projects. I deluded myself into thinking I did not have time, an hour and fifteen minutes, to devote to yoga everyday and dropped it. I attempted to do yoga in my bedroom but my room is riddled with electronics so that didn't quite work.

Today I decided- I need a change. So I bought $55 worth of change- an unlimited yoga pass at The Studio in Reno. It was the best purchase I have made in a while. Although my bank account might not be feeling the zen, I already am.

I think the lesson here is, we may get busy but we need to take care of ourselves and take that extra time to nourish our bodies and our minds with good positive energy and exercise.

So while I may feel like I'm too busy with school or internships, or jobs, I will devote the hour and fifteen minutes to myself daily, because after all theres still 22.85 hours left in the day for work, school, internships and whatever other craziness I might get myself into!

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