Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Would Gandhi Do?


Disclaimer: This is NOT about gun control

There have been countless shootings this week, namely the tragic Sandy Hook one. As an avid social media user I went on Facebook shortly after and came across a disturbing post: “If one of those teachers had a gun all those lives could have been saved.” That translates to the only way to stop the bad guys with guns is to make sure there are good guys with guns. My first thought that popped in my head was Gandhi, Tolstoy, Sharpe, Mandela, King…. What would these courageous men say to this statement?

Yesterday, my friend unknowingly became part of my personal experiment. I told her we should watch the movie Savages because of all the rave reviews I have seen about that movie. That part was true, many people were raving about this movie on Facebook and Twitter but I knew from the trailers this had a heavy content of violence. I wanted to not only challenge myself and see how I could react, I wanted to see how one of the closest people to me would react to such a movie.

This movie was sick as in totally disgusting, revolting, couldn’t finish my cream cheese frosted carrot cake sick. The part that interested me most , having just taken a class on nonviolence, was where the only good guy in the entire movie became one of the main killers. At first he was uncomfortable with the thought of taking a human life but then his friend convinced him that the only way to save the girl he loved was to do so. After his first kill he threw up but soon after that he was eager “to save O and get the job done.”

Not only could I not watch this movie but also my best friend turned away many times. The conclusion I reached is that I surround myself with people who do not believe in violence.

We live in a culture that glamorizes the shooters and patronizes the victims.  A culture that has people critiquing villains as “not believable because he was not scary enough.” I said that after seeing the last Batman movie.  How could I say such a thing? Well, after taking my nonviolence class I can say that I said it because that’s the message society perpetuates. Video games do not create murderers; however, they center around the concept of otherizing. In video games the goal is to defeat the opponent, the other. Well when we take part in otherizing, we are essentially saying there is something about us that makes us superior to the other.  I have seen this message in religion, advertising, racism and politics.

The shooter himself has been otherized. Am I defending the shooter? NO way, but I cannot make a solid judgment on him only his actions. All you have to do is google obedience to authority experiments and look at how good people can do bad things for various reasons.  The way to avoid this is a concept Martin Luther King JR coined as self-purification.  Self-purification is the process of purifying, as the ability of a body of water to rid itself of pollutants.  I achieve little bits of this daily through Yoga. But what self-purification does is makes one look to their core and see that it is strong enough to stick to their morals and beliefs no matter the circumstances.  

This brings me to the question I posed earlier:

What would Gandhi do? Would Gandhi have shot the shooter and saved lives? After examining his life, I can say he would NOT have done that, as he was a firm believer in nonviolence and the possibility of dying for ones cause.  He would have tried every other creative tactic to save everyone including the shooter, but he would never have pulled that trigger.

In life, we have to do what feels right to us.  If a man had come up to Gandhi and said he was going to shoot the shooter, Gandhi would have told him, that if he truly saw that as the only way to save lives, to do it. Gandhi believed nonviolence took great courage and if a man did not fully believe in the concept, he should not act nonviolently. Gandhi believed that nonviolence was a principle NOT an action.

To end this long post, I want to leave you with one of Gandhi’s famous quotes:

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

Times like these make it easy for us to lose faith in the human race, but think about this question:

If hate was at the core of everyone, how is it possible that we are here today? I believe with all of my heart mankind are good. We cannot lose faith in humanity, there is too much at stake for us to have the luxury of doing that.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How We Can Heal Our World- The World of Social Media

Some people may argue that this election brought out the worst in people, to some extent that may be true. I have seen everything on social media from “ kick that Muslim out the white house” and “We don’t want a Mormon president.” Both statements reek of anger and hatred. So where do we go from here? Do we remain red Facebook profiles and blue Facebook profiles or do we just go back to being human?

Here’s my prescription for this bad case of virtual negativity and divide:

The common theme in all these political posts is passion. Passion is powerful. Passion can turn into action. But what action has our passion for political parties turned into? We can still decide that. We have the opportunity to take that passion and use it for good. But first we need to get past the hatred.

Imagine a world where everyone had the same beliefs and no one got into an argument. We all liked the same foods, all believed in the same religion, we all had the same ideas for our country, we all studied the same subjects, we all vied for the same jobs, we all had the same music tastes and all agreed that Mac’s are better than PC’s.

What would happen?

We would cease growing. Ideas would not be circulated. Life would be boring.

Let’s respect our friends for having conviction and passion for their political beliefs. Obama supporters be humble, Romney supporters open your minds to accepting or at least respecting our president because if he succeeds, so does this country.

Both groups of people, ask yourself this:

When I first met this person who is my friend on Facebook did I ask their political affiliation or did I ask about their hobbies, friends, classes, job? Often we do not befriend people based on political beliefs we befriend people based on their personality, commonalities, and how they make us feel.

In the words of the president: “we may have battled fiercely but it’s only because we love this country deeply.”

I believe its only a matter of days before adorable kitten pictures, new fashion trends, daily experiences, movie recommendations and inspiring posts will once again be “liked” on Facebook by both political parties and it’s only a matter of days until our profiles are no longer red or blue.

Let us focus on the love we all have for America and let that love unite us all. In the aftermath of the election, vote for love not hate because when love prevails, beautiful things happen.

So try this:

Find the nearest Facebook friend who you may have exchanged nasty words with online and simply like a status, comment something positive on a photo.

We are all people and we all want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and most of all we want people to share it with.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

What If The Mayans Are Right?

What if the Mayans are right? What if we have two months to live? What if they are wrong and after Dec 21st life goes on? The real question here is why does it matter? Why aren't we living every single moment like it's our last. If the Mayans are right and I had two months to live, these are things I would do the same, do differently, and just do.

I would still incorporate Yoga into every day. I would still show compassion to everyone I meet. I would continue driving the speed limit. I would still cook every night. Buttercream frosted candles would still be burning in my bedroom. I would continue to watch Revenge and see if Emily finally reveals her identity. I would still watch Modern Family once on Wednesday nights and again on Thursday mornings. I would continue to paint my nails a different color every day. I would continue with my nightly skin routine and continue waking up smiling and positive excited about each new day.

I would drop out of college. I would live life.

I would call everyone I had a falling out with, best friends from high school, boys I may have messed with their heads, anyone I had unkind thoughts about I would like one more conversation to either justify my thoughts or rectify them. I would try pot just once, yes I have never done any kind of drug. I would fly to Europe and kiss a gorgeous brit in a "pub." I would buy 25 random strangers anonymous gifts. I would read Markus Zusak's The Book Thief all over again. I would learn to snowboard. I would skydive.

I would go to India.

I would do Yoga and indulge in Indian cuisine. I would eat without counting calories or looking at health labels. I would get a labrador and name him Teddy and spend a full day at the beach with him. I would teach Yoga to troubled youth so they can live their last two months with self love. I would treat my parents to an amazing meal. I would stalk Michael Buble and make him meet his adoring fan, Granny.  I would marry my little cousin off to her crush Nathan Sykes. I would write a letter to my parents and thank them for being so kind and wonderful and fun with me.

I would sense things differently.

I would spend a whole day with my eyes closed and live life with my other senses. I would write every day in a journal. I would anonymously leave roses on peoples cars with a note saying "stop and smell the roses." I would dye my hair tips hot pink and buy a bold shade of red lipstick. I would purchase the Urban Decay Naked 2 pallet and eat gummy bears for a week straight. I would swim with dolphins and mimic their smiles. I would get "namaste" tattooed on my wrist.

I will live.

I am going to start doing these things now, perhaps I wont drop out of school, since I graduate in December. Perhaps I wont fly right away to India or stalk Michael Buble. But there are simple things that I will do differently. I will get my golden lab and name him Teddy. I will teach Yoga to troubled youth. I will not get a tattoo but I will live everyday as if Namaste was tattooed all over my body. I want to drink life. I want to drink it like really expensive hazelnut milk that expires soon. I will be fully nourished by life so that if by some crazy chance, the Mayans were right, when December 21st rolls around, I will say to myself: "I lived, I really lived."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Internships Are Like Shoes

I have been a strategic communications and outreach intern with Planned Parenthood for almost two months and I’m enjoying every minute of the experience. This led me to question: what the best way to find an internship would be?

When I say find an internship, I mean a worthwhile internship. I am extremely proud of the organization I intern for, so it makes my work ten times more meaningful then say if I worked for a religious affiliation. I also have the best mentor I could ask for. My mentor has become an extremely influential person in my life and I look up to her as well as value her advice. Make sure your boss has the time to mentor you and not just send you emails riddled with daily tasks.

A Twitter follower once asked me for good internship tips, which brought me to this thought:

Internships are like shoes.

You have the Ugg boot: This internship will appear to be very easy. The problem with these internships is that you will most likely be running around doing busy work that doesn't pertain to your major in any way.  The employer will tell you that things are flexible and your duties will not be made clear. STAY AWAY from these. 

The sling backs/ankle boots/wedges- this would be the internship that's in your comfort zone but may not look as impressive on a resume as a sexy stiletto heel. This would be a fantastic internship to take for your first time interning with a company.

The pumps/stilettoes-This internship will be outside of your comfort zone and will have you doing things you never knew how to do before. It will look fantastic on your resume and you will gain good experience. Like any high heel, this will be painful at first but once you wear it out, you will slowly feel comfortable and content. Just give it time. 
The Mary Jane’s- This is the dream internship. The one where you get an enthusiastic boss who is happy to mentor you and fosters your career. You will have to think on your feet but will enjoy doing the tasks. This will look good on a resume and give you confidence to move on into the workforce. This is the internship I'm currently "wearing" in a size 8. 

Whichever shoe you end up wearing, remember to take care of them and wear them proudly. Be the best intern you can possibly be.  For tips on how to get the most out of your internship you can view my guest blog

Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Makes A Home?

This is my most personal blog that I have written. I was born a writer and the only way to take emotional strain away is to see my words on a page arranged in the order my heart feels them. I'm sentimental and homeless. Im not homeless in the sense that I live on the streets and accept peaches and water from strangers, I'm homeless in that I don't have a "home."

I moved from South Africa to Las Vegas and then Reno then my parents moved from Las Vegas to California. I'm fragmented from my childhood in South Africa, my teenage years in Las Vegas, and when I move to Southern California, I will be a ten hour drive from my college years.

I am moving to a new house and with the move comes giant changes. With the move comes the end of summer.. which means my best friend moving back to her home and the start of my last semester. It also means I have only six months left in Reno.

I hate Reno. I do. I really really do. It's not my favorite place however I have spent four years of my life in this place. It was last Friday and I was sitting with a close friend at a table on the patio of one of my favorite Reno gem's, Silver Peak, eating a delicious sandwich, when i thought "I will miss this." Reno has grown on me but more and it terrifies me thinking of moving again.

I have been moving all my life since I emigrated and it certainly feels like i have no home. I also think this is where most of my commitment issues come from. When you move around so much you tend to stay away from forming romantic bonds. It scares me because in my heart I know I will probably keep moving. I think a small part of me longs to be a nomad and travel from place to place seeking new adventures and fascinating encounters. The other part of me craves stability and routine.

I love Southern California but its not home. So maybe some people are really really lucky and get to call the house and city they grew up in "home" but for the rest of us, maybe our home is people. You see buildings, parking lots, houses and coffee shops can all be built in every place and in every country, but maybe its the people that fill them that makes each building, parking lot, house, and coffee shop feel like "home."

So maybe we have multiple homes and sometimes those homes move or you move away from them.. then what do we do? I guess we try to keep them as close to our heart as possible and feel comfort that with good technology and the gift of flight.. you can go home again.

My room is empty, my dream catcher is boxed, my marilyn posters on the floor and my painting of Paris pressed up against my empty dresser and as glad as I am to leave this really gross college apartment, I almost feel like I'm saying goodbye to two years.

I guess I will see what the next six months bring me in the biggest little city. How much useless stuff I will accumulate, how many "one too many drinks"nights I will have, and how many tears I will shed when I move once again.

Life is journey and maybe some of us find our home and stay there, and maybe for the rest of us, we have lots of little homes along the way.

Most people say home is where the heart is, but I say the heart is where home is. because in our hearts we keep all the little homes and loved ones we've accumulated along our journey and in our hearts, we carry all those homes and special people with us all the time.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Blessed & Blissful

Today, I feel like sharing my personal emotions and thoughts.

I feel blissful and content. I have the greatest friends any person could ask for. I have a cousin to talk flowers and fashion with and I have had two of my best friends in my life for four years. One of my best friends in my life for two, the other for three, and my "big bro",who just graduated college, in my life for eight. I'm still best friends with my high school boyfriend and we talk frequently and want the best for each other. I recently met a wonderful friend whose agreed to help me move out of the kindness of her heart, I have parents who help me out a tremendous amount financially with school and am moving to a beautiful gingerbread looking house July 1st with wonderful roommates, I have the most amazing PR internship with a national organization & lastly I get to move to Southern California in December.

I feel so incredibly thankful. I don't know that I believe in God but I do believe I am blessed by something to have been given such an awesome wonderful life.

All I need is prince charming but I believe that will happen too eventually :)

I hope everyone gets to live in pure bliss like I do. Sure some days I have anxiety, or my car gets towed, or really bad things happen, but for the most part I consider myself incredibly lucky to get to live this awesome life.

I'm off to enjoy this sunshine!

Happiness & gratitude

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ten Gluten & Dairy Free Products I Could Never Live Without

It was after two months of consecutive stomach aches and unbearable fatigue, that I decided I had to do something. My parents of course, urged me to go to a doctor. Other than the desire to possibly marry one, I have very little interest in modern medicine. My Yoga teacher had once told me about Ayurveda, a Hindu system of medicine involving, diet, herbs and Yoga. 

I made an appointment with a local Ayurveda practitioner, Laura Hennings and what she had to say changed my entire diet. Now, I have always been a healthy eater. Fast food, fried food, processed foods were never something I ate. When I went to see Laura she had me stick out my tongue and she told me my whole health history. I was amazed. After that I took a quick multiple choice test and I was classified as a Pitta Vata, but she went even further. She told me that I was also gluten and dairy intolerant. It was a shock at first but I decided that in order to get healthy and rid myself of this terrible stomach pain and fatigue, I was going to give up all gluten and dairy products. 

So what is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in the grains wheat, barley, and rye. It gives food elasticity and gives bread its spongy texture. It can also be used as a thickener for sauces. 

I have been gluten & dairy free for about six or seven months now and these are the staples in my diet that keep me healthy, happy, energetic, and eating yummy yummy foods. 

This granola is so freaking yummy and amazing. I always have some in my handbag in case I need a snack. 

Oh boy! This creamy amazing chocolatey goodness is life changing. I like this with some strawberries or just on its own.

This to me just tastes way better than those dessert yogurts riddled with chemicals. Plus there's some strawberry pieces in there. It's a morning delight ora comforting midnight snack!

This pasta, although has a sort of softer texture than regular pasta, is still really really yummy and on the days where I just want carbs carbs carbs it's yummy with some mushrooms or zucchini and a little olive oil.

Before I tried this bread I was eating Udi's bread. This bread is 800 times better. It has the spongey feeling of normal bread and tastes absolutely delish when toasted. 

I probably have six cups of green tea a day. It just feels really nice on my body and the taste of the green tea makes me want to eat healthy all day long. 

I like this milk because it's mostly almonds. It is seriously Yu-mmy! I don't drink much milk but when I do, this one is scrumptious and super smooth. 

This butter is another life changing product. I put this on my gluten free toast and over pasta and well as use this to cook my veggies.

There is absolutely no soy cheese that I have tasted that tastes better than regular cheese. However, this one is quite delicious and a nice substitute for the nights I'm absolutely dying for a piece of cheddar cheese. 
This is a nice afternoon snack with a piece of soy cheese or some soy butter or even some almond butter.

Hugs from my kitchen to yours!
Took this from Purpose Fairy. She is amazing and you should all add her for a daily dose of happiness