Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ten Gluten & Dairy Free Products I Could Never Live Without

It was after two months of consecutive stomach aches and unbearable fatigue, that I decided I had to do something. My parents of course, urged me to go to a doctor. Other than the desire to possibly marry one, I have very little interest in modern medicine. My Yoga teacher had once told me about Ayurveda, a Hindu system of medicine involving, diet, herbs and Yoga. 

I made an appointment with a local Ayurveda practitioner, Laura Hennings and what she had to say changed my entire diet. Now, I have always been a healthy eater. Fast food, fried food, processed foods were never something I ate. When I went to see Laura she had me stick out my tongue and she told me my whole health history. I was amazed. After that I took a quick multiple choice test and I was classified as a Pitta Vata, but she went even further. She told me that I was also gluten and dairy intolerant. It was a shock at first but I decided that in order to get healthy and rid myself of this terrible stomach pain and fatigue, I was going to give up all gluten and dairy products. 

So what is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in the grains wheat, barley, and rye. It gives food elasticity and gives bread its spongy texture. It can also be used as a thickener for sauces. 

I have been gluten & dairy free for about six or seven months now and these are the staples in my diet that keep me healthy, happy, energetic, and eating yummy yummy foods. 

This granola is so freaking yummy and amazing. I always have some in my handbag in case I need a snack. 

Oh boy! This creamy amazing chocolatey goodness is life changing. I like this with some strawberries or just on its own.

This to me just tastes way better than those dessert yogurts riddled with chemicals. Plus there's some strawberry pieces in there. It's a morning delight ora comforting midnight snack!

This pasta, although has a sort of softer texture than regular pasta, is still really really yummy and on the days where I just want carbs carbs carbs it's yummy with some mushrooms or zucchini and a little olive oil.

Before I tried this bread I was eating Udi's bread. This bread is 800 times better. It has the spongey feeling of normal bread and tastes absolutely delish when toasted. 

I probably have six cups of green tea a day. It just feels really nice on my body and the taste of the green tea makes me want to eat healthy all day long. 

I like this milk because it's mostly almonds. It is seriously Yu-mmy! I don't drink much milk but when I do, this one is scrumptious and super smooth. 

This butter is another life changing product. I put this on my gluten free toast and over pasta and well as use this to cook my veggies.

There is absolutely no soy cheese that I have tasted that tastes better than regular cheese. However, this one is quite delicious and a nice substitute for the nights I'm absolutely dying for a piece of cheddar cheese. 
This is a nice afternoon snack with a piece of soy cheese or some soy butter or even some almond butter.

Hugs from my kitchen to yours!
Took this from Purpose Fairy. She is amazing and you should all add her for a daily dose of happiness

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