Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Caffeine Is Calling

About three months ago, I decided to give up caffeine, trying to follow the Ayurveda constitution and all. All was well until I remembered: Im in 400 level classes, president of a club, about to start a PR internship, and a homosapien.

As I began planning the annual Reynolds School of Journalism Toast dinner for 50, I realized I needed energy..

I made my first cup of coffee in months this morning and the feeling is unexplainable. I have so much energy I don't know what to do with myself: Gym, running, homework, speech making, dinner planning- the possibilities are endless! It's an amazing feeling, its a gift from the caffeine gods. Bright "alien" eyed and bushy tailed, day here I come.

I learned something more than how great coffee is, this taught me that its ok to need a little help. That sometimes the workload gets a little heavy and sometimes I get tired. I would like to say I'm the yogi with a strict no caffeine herbal tea diet, but I'm not.

I'm the woman who can't wear white and not spill, the woman who gets so busy she forgets to text people back, the woman who takes on more than she can handle, and the woman who apparently needs her cup of coffee.

I get by with a little help from my friends... and a little cup of joe :)

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